Matthew 6 – Study and Verses Analysis

Matthew 6 is one of the most important passages in the Bible, filled with valuable teachings for spiritual life. In this passage, Jesus speaks to us about prayer, generosity, and priorities in seeking the Kingdom of God.

It’s important to understand the depth of these lessons and apply them to our daily lives. This article explores each verse of Matthew 6 in detail, to help you understand the deeper meaning of each word of Jesus.

Additionally, this article also provides a thorough study of the historical context in which Matthew 6 was written, highlighting the main messages and teachings of Christ.

Historical Context of Matthew 6

Matthew 6 was written around 50-70 A.D., during the time of the Roman Empire. It’s important to understand that, at that time, Palestine was a region under Roman rule, and the Jews lived under political and religious repression.

Matthew 6 - Study and Verses Analysis

Matthew 6 is part of the famous Sermon on the Mount, one of the most well-known and important passages in the New Testament.

In this sermon, Jesus teaches on topics such as prayer, generosity, and spiritual priorities, addressing a crowd of disciples and other followers.

“…do not worry […] because you cannot add a single cubit to your height. And which of you, worrying, can add a single cubit to the span of his life?”

What’s Important to Know About the Historical Context

Matthew 6 was written in a context of oppression and difficulties for the Jews, who lived under the yoke of the Roman Empire.

The author seeks to reinforce the idea that Jesus is the true Messiah and Savior promised in the Jewish Scriptures, and that his message is the key to salvation.

Furthermore, Jesus harshly criticizes the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of the time, who used religion as a means to benefit themselves and oppress the people.

He emphasizes the importance of humility, sincerity, and love for others as ways to connect with God and achieve true inner peace.

Detailed Study of Matthew 6

To understand the depth of Matthew 6, it’s necessary to conduct a detailed study of this biblical passage. Each verse contains valuable teachings for the spiritual life of the Christian, and its complete meaning can only be grasped when examined carefully.

In this study, it’s important to highlight the structure of the chapter. Matthew 6 begins with Jesus teaching about the practice of charity, encouraging his disciples to perform their acts with humility and without ostentation.

He then speaks about the importance of prayer, teaching how we should converse with God in secret and without empty repetitions.

Jesus continues his discourse talking about fasting, and how we should perform it discreetly to please God and not men. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God above all other things, trusting that the Heavenly Father will supply all our needs.

“Therefore, I tell you: Do not worry about your own life, what you will eat or drink; or about your own body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25)

This verse summarizes one of the main messages of Matthew 6: trust in God as the provider of all things.

Jesus emphasizes that we should not overly worry about our basic needs, such as food, drink, and clothing, but rather seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.

Another important point of Matthew 6 is the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer taught by Jesus is a model for our own prayers, and each of its phrases contains a deep meaning to be explored.

Lord’s Prayer

“So then, this is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven! May your holy name be honored; may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need.

Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One.’ Amen.” (Matthew 6:9-13)

This is just one example of the riches contained in Matthew 6. It’s possible to conduct a thorough study of each verse, seeking to understand their deeper meanings and applying them to our own spiritual lives.

Main Messages of Matthew 6

In Matthew 6, Jesus conveys several important messages to his followers. These messages are essential for understanding how we should live our spiritual life and our relationship with God.

Seeking the Kingdom of God

One of the main messages conveyed by Jesus in Matthew 6 is the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God above all else.

He teaches that our priorities should be centered on God and his will for our lives. This means that we should trust in God to provide for all our needs, and not overly worry about material things.


Jesus also speaks about the importance of prayer in Matthew 6. He teaches the Lord’s Prayer as a model of how we should communicate with God.

Additionally, he highlights the importance of sincerity and humility in prayer, and encourages us to pray in secret, without seeking the approval of others.


Another important message in Matthew 6 is the need to be generous with others. Jesus teaches that we should give to the needy without seeking recognition or reward in return.

He also emphasizes the importance of helping others without judging or condemning them.

Trust in God

Finally, Jesus emphasizes the importance of trusting in God in all areas of our life. He teaches that God loves us and cares for us, and that we should place our trust in him in all circumstances. By trusting in God, we can live with peace and security, knowing that he cares for us.

“Do not worry about your own life, what you will eat or drink; or about your own body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” (Matthew 6:25)

These are some of the main messages conveyed by Jesus in Matthew 6. These teachings remain relevant to us today, and help us to live a more meaningful life aligned with the will of God.

Summary of Verses in Matthew 6

Chapter 6 of the book of Matthew contains important teachings of Jesus about spiritual life, including prayer, generosity, and priorities. Here is a summary of the main verses:

Verses 5-8

Jesus teaches that prayer should be done in secret, without ostentation or empty repetition of words.

Verses 9-13

The Lord’s Prayer, teaching about worship, submission to the will of God, personal needs, and forgiveness.

Verses 16-18

Jesus highlights the importance of fasting done in secret, without fanfare or ostentation, as a way to seek God and not the attention of men.

Verses 19-21

Jesus teaches about the importance of investing in eternal treasures in heaven, instead of accumulating earthly riches that are fleeting.

Verses 22-23

Jesus warns about the danger of having eyes fixed on wealth, as this can lead to spiritual darkness.

Verse 24

Jesus teaches that one cannot serve two masters, God and money, and that it’s necessary to choose whom to serve.

Verses 25-34

Jesus teaches about the importance of trusting in God to supply the needs of daily life and about the futility of excessive worry about the future.

These verses offer valuable guidance for a healthy and balanced spiritual life, which prioritizes the pursuit of the Kingdom of God and trusts in his provision and care.

The Importance of Prayer in Matthew 6

One of the central themes of Matthew 6 is prayer, and it’s no surprise that Jesus began his exposition on this subject with the famous “Our Father”. In explaining how his disciples should pray, Jesus not only presented a model prayer but also emphasized the importance of prayer in our lives.

Jesus taught that prayer should not be a public display of piety, but rather an intimate communication between the individual and God.

He also emphasized the need for sincerity and humility in our prayer, acknowledging that God does not hear us because of our eloquent or repetitive words.

Furthermore, Jesus encouraged constant and persistent prayer, reminding his disciples of the parable of the importunate friend.

Even when it seems that God is not answering our prayers, we should trust that He is always listening and acting in our favor.

In summary, prayer according to Matthew 6 is authentic and confident communication with God, which should not be used as a way to seek public recognition or to bargain with God. Instead, prayer is an opportunity to draw near to God, sharing our joys, sorrows, needs, and thanksgivings.

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.

Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:5-6)

Generosity in Matthew 6

In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches about generosity as a fundamental value for spiritual life. He reminds us that true treasure is not found in material wealth, but in good deeds done in the name of God.

Jesus emphasizes that generosity should not be done to gain praise from others, but as an expression of love and gratitude to God. He highlights that those who give in secret will be rewarded by the Heavenly Father.

“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:3-4)

Generosity is one of Christ’s teachings that leads us to live a fuller and more meaningful life. When we are generous, we not only help others, but also draw closer to God and become more like Him.

Therefore, generosity is a virtue that we should cultivate in our lives. We should seek opportunities to be generous to those around us, and do so with joy and love in our hearts.

Priorities in Spiritual Life according to Matthew 6

In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches that seeking the Kingdom of God should be the primary priority in spiritual life.

He shows that seeking earthly wealth and comfort is in vain and that true happiness and fulfillment can only be found in God.

This biblical passage reminds us that our life here on Earth is temporary and that we should focus on accumulating treasures in heaven, that is, doing good deeds and living according to the teachings of Christ.

Jesus also reminds us that prayer is a powerful tool to connect with God and receive guidance in our lives. He teaches us to pray with humility and sincerity, without seeking recognition or praise from others.

By placing the pursuit of the Kingdom of God and a life in communion with Him as the main priority in our lives, we can find true peace and meaning, regardless of external circumstances.

Teachings of Christ in Matthew 6

The teachings of Jesus in Matthew 6 offer valuable lessons about spiritual life and our relationship with God. Among the main verses of this biblical passage, the following stand out:

Verse 6:6

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

This verse teaches that prayer should be an intimate and personal practice, in which the individual connects individually with God. It also highlights the importance of humility and privacy in prayer.

Verses 6:19-21

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

These verses teach about spiritual priorities, encouraging individuals to focus their efforts on seeking the Kingdom of God, rather than accumulating earthly riches. They also highlight the importance of sincerity and integrity in our relationship with God.

Verse 6:24

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

This verse emphasizes the importance of putting God first, above any other material priority. It teaches about the need to choose a single path in life, whether it be spiritual or worldly.

The careful analysis of these teachings of Christ in Matthew 6 is essential for those seeking a fuller spiritual life and a closer relationship with God.

Their impact can be felt in all areas of life, from prayer to financial and personal priorities.

Analysis of the Words of Jesus in Matthew 6

Jesus is known for his wise and profound words, and in Matthew 6, it is no different. This chapter contains some of Christ’s most impactful teachings about prayer, generosity, and priorities in spiritual life.

A careful analysis of the words of Jesus in Matthew 6 can help us better understand how to live a life that is truly pleasing to God. Here are some of the main messages of this chapter:

Prayer should be sincere and humble

Jesus warns against hypocritical and empty prayers, emphasizing that prayer should be a sincere and humble communication with God (Matthew 6:5-8). He teaches us to pray with modesty and simplicity, without seeking the approval of others.

God rewards generosity

Jesus also highlights the importance of generosity, encouraging his followers to give without ostentation and without expecting public recognition (Matthew 6:1-4). He promises that God will reward those who give with a free and generous heart.

We should seek the Kingdom of God first

Perhaps the deepest and most important message of Matthew 6 is Jesus’ instruction to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness first, trusting that God will provide for our needs (Matthew 6:33).

He reminds us that life is not about material possessions, but about seeking the will of God.

“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)

A careful analysis of Matthew 6 leads us to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ message and challenges us to apply these principles in our daily lives. May we always seek his will and trust in his provision in all situations.

Reflections on Matthew 6

After a thorough analysis of Matthew 6, powerful reflections can be drawn that can transform the spiritual life of the reader.

Throughout the chapter, Jesus teaches about the importance of prayer, generosity, and priorities in seeking the Kingdom of God.

An important reflection that can be drawn from Matthew 6 is that prayer should be a constant priority in the life of the Christian. Jesus teaches that when we pray, we should have intimacy with God and seek his will above all things.

By placing prayer first, we establish a stronger connection with the Heavenly Father and can experience his love and care in our lives.

Another message conveyed by Jesus in Matthew 6 is that generosity should be a distinctive characteristic of the Christian.

He emphasizes that we should not accumulate treasures on earth, but instead invest in things that have eternal value, such as helping others and contributing to causes that promote social welfare.

By being generous, we experience the joy of serving and can positively impact the lives of others.

Lastly, a reflection that Matthew 6 brings us is that we should seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness first.

Jesus teaches that all other things will be added to us when we prioritize the pursuit of his will and spiritual growth. This reflection can encourage us to put God above all things in our lives, trusting in his faithfulness and unconditional love.

In summary, Matthew 6 brings profound reflections that can impact our spiritual life significantly.

By putting into practice the lessons of Jesus about prayer, generosity, and priorities, we can experience the peace and fullness that are only possible when we are in connection with the Heavenly Father.

After exploring the depth of Matthew 6, it is evident that this biblical passage is essential for the spiritual life of anyone seeking a closer communion with God. Its lessons on prayer, generosity, and priorities in life are important for all Christians who wish to live according to the will of the Heavenly Father.

Matthew 6 teaches us that prayer is the most effective way to communicate with God, and that we should pray with sincerity and humility, putting our faith into action.

Additionally, Jesus teaches us that generosity is a virtue that is manifested not only in the donation of material goods, but also in acts of compassion and empathy towards others.

Finally, the priorities of spiritual life that Jesus teaches in Matthew 6 should be the pursuit of the Kingdom of God and the practice of justice, leaving aside worldly concerns and trusting that God will provide for all our needs.

Therefore, it is encouraging for readers to explore for themselves the truths of Matthew 6, applying its lessons in their own daily lives and seeking a more authentic relationship with God.

Previous reading: Matthew 5

Next reading: Matthew 7

Read other chapters of the Gospel of Matthew